Brand :  ATMI
Manager :  Hugo He
Phone :  0755 - 8384 2745
Fax :  0755 - 8384 2051 
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The SOBA is a level regulator equipped with an external adjustable resin ballast. As the liquid level reaches the regulator, the mechanical switch inside will tilt, thus closing or opening a circuit connected to an electrical panel. Thanks to its +/-25º switching angle, the SOBA level regulator ensures a very precise level measurement.


No maintenance needed, thanks to its biconical shape that avoids any clogging.
Easy to install, easy to use
Ecological float switch (no mercury, no lead)


Clear, clean liquids, rain water
Wastewater, sewage water, charged liquids
Slightly aggressive liquids (oils, mud, paint, etc.) and more aggressive ilquids if equipped with a HR HY cable
Level control of multiple pumps
Emptying / Filling function
Overflow or dry-running protection
High / low level alarm