Brand :  IAG
Manager :  Mr. Deng
Phone :  0755-83842246
Fax :  0755-83842121 
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NHS Ammonia Analyser System





NHS Ammonia Analyser System

The IAG NHS is a 191°C heated diode laser ammonia detection system.

This very compact and light system can be used in a wide variety of applications.

2 sample gas inlets, built in gas inlet pressure regulator, heated sample gas filter, integrated purge function, span gas connection and any kind of communication option you might eventually like are basic technical features.

Setup and operation are kept as simple as possible without sparing an operation software with all functions the advanced user would expect, including alarm parameterisation, calibration and linearization functions as well as open communication settings.

Operation can be done via pushbutton on the device, via the operation software with network connection to the device or via communication interfaces such as AK, RS232, Modbus or Profibus. Another important issue is response times. IAG has been developing heated prefilters since 1998 and has worked ever since to create sampling modules and measuring systems with minimum internal volume, optimised gas flow, uniform heating and special surface treatment.

Therefore this system has the ability of realising very short response times. Another important thing to mention is the maintenance friendliness of our products. Annual maintenance can be easily done by the user and wear parts are available for very reasonable prices.


High accuracy                                                                                                                                         Easy setup                                                                                                                                                Low maintenance                                                                                                                           Compact design                                                                                                                                 Simple operation

Technical data

Dimensions: 53x350x340mm                                                                                                                   Weight: 20kg                                                                                                                                               Power supply: 115VAC 60Hz / 230VAC 50Hz                                                                                              Sample Gas connections: Swagelok 6mm                                                                                               Heated line connections: 2x Binder 693                                                                                                   Purge gas connection: Swagelok 6mm                                                                                               Temperature range: 180-200°C gas inlet                                                                                                   Adjustable sample flow: 3-10l/min                                                                                                       Filter cartridge: 70mm2 PTFE bond glass                                                                                             Laser path length: 400mm                                                                                                                  Measuring range: 0-200ppm - extendable                                                                                            Detection limit: 3ppm                                                                                                                              Inlet pressure: 0-3bar rel. 

